Friday, April 19, 2013


View corresponding video here

Hello, and welcome to the Camp Friedberg blog!

With camp right around the corner, we’re busy working hard getting ready for this summer! In the meantime, we are looking forward to giving you the opportunity to get to know us, and to ask us any questions you might have about our upcoming camp summer. Each week we will bring you a new video introducing you to different aspects of Camp Friedberg and our wonderful staff members, as well as addressing any questions and concerns you may have.

This companion blog will be updated with more information each time a video is posted with additional information on the subject we are addressing.  And of course, we’ll keep you informed of the latest happenings at Camp Friedberg!

We invite you send us your questions via comments here and on our videos, or in emails to Alice. You can also find plenty of information about our wonderful camp on our website and our Facebook page.

Our first Open House at the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds is SUNDAY, MAY 19TH FROM 11AM-2PM, so mark your calendars now! More information on all of the exciting happenings coming soon!

Can’t wait to see you this summer!

Until next time,
Alice and Paula

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